Research & Development

Being Malaysia's pioneer fish oil refining and export company, MFO allocates a percentage of its revenue to research and development (R&D). Our consistent effort in R&D has enabled us to stay at the cutting edge of quality Omega3 fish oil products to our customers.

Our innovative efforts have also resulted in the creation of a variety of research fields which suit different applications, as follows:

  • Exploring the byproducts of the local fish species
  • Continuous Omega3 maximisation
  • Simulating artificial environments for fish species
  • Efficient waste processing, and
  • University-led research programs

  • At MFO, we believe that the advancement of science and technology is a primary driver for success in a competitive and developing industry such as ours. Thus, we feed our practical findings in R&D to our operational refinery floor, so as to advance our operational efficiency, whilst at the same time keeping abreast of the leading research in the fish oil industry globally.

    Quality & Development

  • Our Quality
  • Research & Development