Our Quality

Quality is the main value determinant in our industry. Therefore, MFO has established an organisation-wide quality culture in accordance to these three guiding principles:

  • Standardisation
  • Infusing a collective quality culture within our work teams
  • Continuous review of our quality assurance measures

  • We regularly study our operations for every aspect of our business to ensure consistent quality levels at all our operational points. Through the training and commitment of our team, we created a culture of quality assurance where every individual is a quality control inspector at his/her own operational station. This has led to efficient production lines. To ensure this continues, we carry out periodic tests and analyses at each major stage of our processes, and are committed to training, research and development. We strive to meet, and at times exceed, international and China standards for all our final products.

    Quality & Development

  • Our Quality
  • Research & Development